On to today's interviews. Feel free to tell us your own stories by posting in the comments. We'd love to hear from you!
I was absolutely terrified of her too for a few years. Not so much the witch version of her, but the part where she's flying around the tornado on her bike ... I have no idea why, but it creeped me out big time. Do you have any ghost stories passed down through your family? Or maybe one of your own ...? We had a human sized cut-out on the staircase landing to our 3rd floor, just to scare people into thinking it was a ghost!
LOL! Better to fake it than have to live through it for real. I bet you guys had some interesting experiences.
That one came out during my childhood too, but I never even considered watching that one. I took me years to get up the courage for "Poltergeist." I had no misconceptions I was too much of a wuss for "The Exorcist," so I only saw it years later when I could handle it. Do you have any ghost stories passed down through your family? Or maybe one of your own ...? My mom used to live in this house where she later found out someone had died. Her bed used to shake in the middle of the night. At first it scared her, but then she got fed up. Thinking it was a ghost, she decided to confront it. “We both have to live here!” Her bed never shook again.
I'd never sleep again. Ever.