Just in time for Halloween!
Leap Books just announced that they are in the mood for a little YA Horror, so they're opening up submissions for their Shine line to both agented and UNAGENTED authors who have YA novellas in the horror genre. This is such an exciting opportunity to work with an incredibly talented and supportive team that produces quality fiction for young readers of all ages. |
Here are the deets from Leap Books co-founder and editor, Judith Graves: If you've got an all out horror (with strong romance elements), stand alone (no breaking the story into two books) YA novella (45k words max) - please send editor, Judith Graves, a query and the first 10 pages to: [email protected] with BLOODY GOOD READS in the subject line. Deadline for submissions: February 1, 2016. Unagented submissions that are NOT relevant to this project won't be read. |